Dream Interpretation and “Dream Analysis”
If you seek help to interpret and understand your dreams, consider this: Your subconscious language is not a universal language. Your images, associations, memories, and feelings are unique to you.
Your subconscious has been growing with you all the time, learning and growing, and running the show in collaboration with each and every cell in your entire body. To a very big extent, your subconscious mind is a function of your brain, and almost completely influenced by the physical and physiological structure of your entire being. I’m not making this up–go ahead and look up the recent neuroscience research. What your subconscious knows and acts upon is a highly individual experience. No one else in the world has experienced Life the way you do.
When you dream during sleep, the images and all other sensory experiences have meanings that only you can interpret, because your subconscious assigns meanings, and your subconscious is unique.
My training and experience have taught me that there are no experts regarding dream interpretation. I am highly suspicious of any person, book, or authority that assigns universal meaning to anything as it may appear in a dream. No other person can claim to know what a cloud means to you, or a chair or a book—especially if you have had significant experience in a particular area of Life.
I can help you to interpret your dream. I do this sometimes with clients. But I only help you to discover, using a context of understanding the purpose, nature, and function of dreaming. I also rule out physiological causes. We all know that your dreams can be particularly bizarre if you have a fever or other kind of illness. Some kinds of dreams are easily explained by recent stress or trauma.
I would never in a million years tell you what your dream means to you. It belongs to you. You created it and experienced it. I wasn’t there. And I wasn’t there through any of your formative years, when your complex mind learned to associate experiences, knowledge, fears and fantasies, over-heard conversations, and scenes from books and movies.
As you go about your quest to understand dreams and dreaming, caveat emptor. “Let the buyer beware.” You may be comforted to hear some affirmations, but how can your dream “interpreter” know your subconscious language?