Where Did This Come From? So Glad You Asked!

Where do your ideas and inspiration come from? How do you connect the dots and create your desires? Are you aware that your desires are your creations? They don’t come out of nowhere! Do you recognize that your subconscious desires are at the heart of most of the decisions you make, and that your decisions are intentions? No need to ask why things happen in your Life. They happen because you allow them. All possibilities are occurring at all times. We simply allow some and filter others.

I recently came up with a new idea, one that excites me right down to my toenails. I am immersed in developing it with the intention that it will take me to every corner of the galaxy. I expect the development of this idea to create travel, excitement, adventure, learning, Love, friendship, and career success. This is one of the best ideas I’ve ever had.

This causes me to think about You, my friend. What are you thinking about? What do you want from Life? Where are you going, and what do you intend for yourself? How will you influence yourself to move forward, and what positive impact will that have on everyone around you? How are you going to get it all done?

Of course, I have a few ideas about that. That’s what I do. My entire career is about asking questions, finding some answers, sharing them, learning more, celebrating your many successes (large and small), being curious, asking new questions, and keeping it all going. And why not? Isn’t that way more interesting than just letting Life happen? Aren’t you more alive when you set an intention and then bring it into being?

All of your ideas come from the world around you, as well as from your internal world. Your internal world includes all of your past and current experiences; all of your knowledge and information, plus everything you’ve ever gone through and endured. You have saved, in the back of your mind, everything that your senses have encountered for a lifetime, and you have learned from every bit of it. (Your internal world may or may not also include past lives—the jury is still out on that, although reincarnation makes sense to me and I see what I think is evidence of it all the time, everywhere.)

The world around you is very noisy, and it’s been getting noisier every year since the dawn of intelligent humankind. Your external world consists of all communication outside of the communication you have with yourself: conversations, print media including books, magazines, and newspapers, movies, all internet activity, radio, TV, overheard interactions, all human contact and interactions with animals and Nature, all advertising in your sphere, work and career, and conversations with everyone including the most brief and non-verbal with strangers and everyone else. There’s a lot going on out there, and it all matters. All of it plays upon and influences your internal world.

Put the internal and external together, and there’s your source of new ideas, memories, inspiration, influence, motivation, ambition, impressions, learning, success, curiosity, passion, and personal power. You bring your subconscious mind to bear on everything you witness, even the subliminal messages.

As a professional Hypnotist, I know this to be true. I see my clients transform, and I witness my own transformation as I develop my new ideas.

Picture this… An exceptionally handsome master hypnotist is engaging a large audience with the mysterious subject of Hypnosis. He begins to play one or more musical instruments as he describes the hypnotic effect of music. Using various sounds and musical devices, he continues to deepen the trance using only the power of suggestion and the excitement of playing and listening, including the audience’s incredibly sensual ability for music to act upon the physical body in a most pleasant way. The trance concert continues, along with verbal hypnotic suggestions that awaken passion for living, learning, and loving. The audience becomes more receptive with each compounding suggestion, and everyone in the audience internalizes the wisdom and adopts it as their own, increasing their ability to enjoy Life to an even greater degree. Everyone finds their own brand of pleasure in the experience, and they carry it away with them, influencing the lives of everyone around them for the greater good.

Where did this idea come from? It’s been percolating for at least two years. It tried to come to the surface several times, many times. It finally got here with the help of a couple of conversations with some close friends who love and care about me. My sister, who has loved and nurtured me every year of my Life, finally brought it into being in a material way, and I am forever grateful to her for being who she is and allowing me to receive her magnificent way of being.

As I close this blog for now, I suggest that you listen to those thoughts that have been tugging at you for awhile. They are ideas that can help you. One or more of them might even change the course of your Life for the better. Would that be a good thing? Would it make a positive difference in the lives of everyone around you? Think about that for a moment. Become still and quiet.

And listen.

Sex Education for Men & Why I Can Handle Ladies Night Out

If you don’t have time to read the entire article, here are the bullet points:

In everyday life, men disregard and disrespect women.
Just because you are bigger or stronger doesn’t mean you’re more powerful.
Women face bias just about everywhere in public.
Give a woman space in all things.
Sexuality isn’t just about sex. It’s about how you handle yourself in all kinds of relationships.

I am not a man who claims to know something about women. That’s not the point of this article, and that is not my claim. I only say that I know a lot about relationships by virtue of education, experience, observation, and some native talent. I say that I’ve had my share of trial and error, mistakes and successes, lessons and qualifications. I only say what I know, and I have as many questions as you have, maybe even more.

I come from a long line of powerful women. My maternal grandmother was a formidable figure in San Antonio, Texas (US). Maria Latigo Hernandez was a political activist and leader, and among many other things she was the first Hispanic woman ever to have a regular radio broadcast in the United States. Her influence is still huge in my family, and there is even a school named in her honor in San Marcos, Texas. She was once honored by the President of Mexico in a public ceremony, and my relatives all still cherish the silver award she received that day.

Maria took nonsense from nobody. Get in her way and you would get trampled. Get on board with her and you would be in for a wildly exhilarating ride that would eventually and always include vindication, validation, and Honor. You would experience the best of community building, improvement districts, supporting and educating the poor, fundraising for a new medical clinic, fighting racism and discrimination and prejudice, and every kind of neighborly support and involvement that you can imagine. Maria taught everyone directly and by example. My mother and her siblings absorbed it all and passed the lessons on to us. As a boy in New York City, I learned many things that have served me well for a lifetime.

Growing up with powerful women meant learning respect, because powerful women know how to insist upon it and accept nothing less. I learned that powerful women were loving and compassionate. I was not dominated by them—I accepted them as leaders who were creating me as a boy, a man, a lover, a friend, and a Leader. My powerful women leaders showed me the way by shining a light. I love women because they showed me how to love and be loving.

The men in my family have been powerful, too, and they taught me equally valuable lessons in being powerful. I learned how to be quietly powerful—I don’t need to be forceful unless or until it becomes necessary. Every gentleman in my family is a quiet storm, and this is the type of man that becomes my trusted friend. I don’t allow blowhards, loudmouths, bullies, or braggarts to take up space around me. That behavior is almost always a sign of untreated insecurity.

Millions of men didn’t get those lessons. Here’s what I see: Men who attempt to dominate by physical means or by mental or emotional pressure. It also seems to be a corollary that the men who do that have less education or intelligence, so their logic is faulty and they naturally seek women who lack confidence.

A lot of this abuse is very subtle. It happens when a man passes by a woman and invades her personal space, but without actual contact. It happens when a man stares at a woman in an obvious way, even when that attention is uninvited and unwanted. It happens in the work place every day when men impose their will in the presence of women who are equally qualified and experienced, but not equally paid.

It’s also true that domineering men will dominate weaker men, and there are domineering women who take their place in the pecking order, too. (What it’s like to be a powerful man who is shorter than average is the subject of a different article. Suffice it to say, for now, that height isn’t an indication of power—there are lots of weak, tall men.) That’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about bias.

Bias is subtle behavior that indicates a difference among people that is perceived and acted upon in ways that might not seem immediately obvious, and so they are not easily or often challenged—except by powerful women. Men who remain silent in the presence of bias are complicit.

If you want to be a modern man of the 21st Century who is neither a bully nor a wuss, take charge of your intelligence and apply the Golden Rule to women. Do you want to be more attractive? Try being courteous. Give up your seat. Hold a door open. Give a woman enough space on the sidewalk to pass without invading her space. The woman you are regarding is someone’s sister, daughter, or mother. Be a man. Be responsible for your place in society and be a shining example of what a real man should be.

If you want to be thoroughly alive, start by applying the Golden Rule in all relationships with all people, everywhere, everyday, even with strangers, even with people you might never meet. Your thoughts about them matter, and your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are evident in your behaviors.

Real men have authority even while being courteous. Being courteous doesn’t mean being a doormat; it simply means giving space. Real men know who they are, what they need, and where they are going. You don’t have to agree with everything and bend in uncomfortable ways that don’t suit you. You do need to examine your behaviors and be fair and serve the greater good for everyone around you. Remember this: younger men are watching and some of them are influenced by what you do. Behave accordingly. Please.

Sex isn’t just what happens in the bedroom (or other rooms, or on the floor, or—in the time-honored U.S. tradition—the back seat of my car); it is the culmination of your behavior in all of your relationships. If you can have give-and-take and if you are flexible, approachable, and eager to share rather than just emit pheromones, you will have more success in your sexual relationships.

As for how to actually please a woman physically, emotionally, and mentally, there is a ton of information available, and not just on my various bookshelves at home and in my office. Look it up. Or just give me a call, which brings us to my

DISCLAIMER: I love women and I love Sex. I don’t understand what the big deal is. People have been doing it for a really long time, including all of your direct ancestors. Sex and Love enhance each other, and together they make Life richer. I hope everyone does it today, tonight, tomorrow morning, and every day.

Smoking is Relaxing

Forget about cancer. Not everyone dies from cancer. Some smokers don’t get cancer at all.

Here’s something most people don’t consider: the immediate effects of smoking. I’m not talking about cancer or the many other things that can happen over time. I’m talking about what happens before you are halfway done with your cigarette.

When you breathe in the smoke–and you always begin the cigarette with a deep breath of smoke–the smoke you are inhaling inundates and overwhelms the lungs. The surface of the lung is moist, so some of the smoke particles stick to the surface. Since the lungs are designed to get oxygen from each breath, that function is partially or mostly disabled for a moment, so you get less oxygen. That’s why you become light-headed–your brain is being deprived of oxygen. Notice that the smoke you breathe out has a different color and quality than the smoke that trails off the end of your cigarette. Now you know why.

Your body temperature goes up, as do your heart rate and blood pressure. You have hypnotized yourself into believing that smoking is “relaxing,” but it is actually very stressful for the physical body. Prove these for yourself with a thermometer, timepiece, BP monitor, and your ability to count. Take the measurements before you light up, write them down, then measure again after smoking half of your cigarette.

Smoke is dust. Tiny particles that are airborne. Those tiny particles scrape your throat. That’s why you cough and become hoarse. The smoke also causes dryness in the mouth and gums, and causes your breath to stink. Try getting close to a child’s face, in an affectionate way, and notice how they recoil from you. I experienced this when I was a smoker, and it made me feel ashamed, which brings us to the next point…

You have a way of denying that smoking stinks, it sucks, it’s stupid, and your body revolts against it every time you light up. There, in the background, is the thought that you are hurting yourself, so you need to cover that right away with make-believe ideas such as

• Cigarettes are my friend
• Smoking is relaxing
• I need to go out and get some fresh air
• I am bonding with other people outside the restaurant/bar/funeral home
• I have been smoking so long, what’s the difference?
• I love to smoke

The truth is still there in the background, though, and it will nag at you, so you have to repeat your cover story very loudly, shouting in order to drown out the background Truth.

If you think your lungs are not begging you to stop, you haven’t been listening. And by the way, your tongue, gums, teeth, lips, nasal passages, sinuses, and your complexion have also been complaining. You ignore them.

Let’s face it: some smokers don’t die from cancer. If you dwell on that fact, you are just an addict who is reaching for another excuse / rationalization / justification to continue smoking.

Just how full of shit are you, exactly?

My recommendation for you is to call me and make an appointment. Not now. Call me when you’re ready and I will help you. I know what I’m talking about because I’ve already blazed that trail for you, along with millions of others who want to be well.

All my Love,

(732) 272-7230.

Take a Break From Anxiety. Read This.

Anxiety isn’t all in your mind. It starts with something that happens in the real world, but then it continues in your mind as you turn it over, add to it, see it only one way, and create a story that is worse than the reality. What happened really happened. Anxiety is what you create in your mind around what really happened.

Anxiety has a few different names: stress, nervousness, worry, apprehension, fear, concern, etc. It can manifest as tension, negativity, strain, sadness, pressure, friction, hostility, conflict, disillusionment, depression, panic, and some other very unpleasant realities. Some of my clients are so involved with their circumstances that they don’t realize they are stressed. They might tell me that they can’t sleep or they want to lose weight or stop smoking, but the primary situation to be solved is the stress that is limiting them in such a severe way.

When you’re stressed, you don’t see other possibilities. Here’s an analogy: Right now, as you read this, you can’t see the wall behind you because you’re facing the screen in front of you. The wall is there. You know it’s there; you just can’t see it. If you were to turn 180 degrees, you would see it, but you don’t see it now because it’s behind you. This is what anxiety is like. You are only seeing the stressful circumstances because you are filtering out every other possibility.

This is where your mind comes in. Since your mind created the stress, your mind can un-create it, with the use of imagination. Think of it this way: everything you’ve ever done in your entire Life began with an idea, a thought, a feeling, a sensation, or all of the above occurring at the same time. You had a thought, and then you took an action. With the simplest things, you let go as soon as they were completed. When difficult things happened, you latched onto the stress and kept it with you—in your joints, muscles, ligaments, internal organs, and especially in your thoughts. These thoughts nag you when you try to sleep, and they invade your consciousness when you awaken in the morning.

Here’s the thing: Your thoughts do not affect what already happened, except in the lessons you are learning right now. Your thoughts will affect future outcomes, and your mood, your overall health, relationships, even your longevity. You can train your mind to think new thoughts and to have a new default setting.

As you become less stressed, your attitude and behaviors become more relaxed. People around you pick up on this in some way, subliminally, and they begin to treat you better. Now you smile more easily, and as things get a tiny bit better, you open up to more ease and grace and good possibilities. Now you’re seeing more—not just the screen in front of you or the wall behind you. Now you are open to many more possibilities. Would that be a good thing?

I’m not saying that you are not having real difficulties right now. Some of us are going through some hard, unfortunate circumstances, and there are going to be some very tough choices, and there will be things that we can’t undo or change in any way. What I’m saying is that if you become more flexible, more able to bend and go with the flow, more easily able to BREATHE into the situation, you will become better, more contented, more comfortable, and wiser. When you let go of stress, you use the best of your internal resources. How much better would you be then?

If you already practice self-hypnosis, meditation, yoga, a fitness program and good diet, and relaxation, GOOD! Keep that up! You’re going to need ease and grace for the rest of your wonderful Life. If you want to learn self-hypnosis, contact your favorite Hypnotist of the Year and make an appointment today.

I know all about anxiety, and I can help you change your mind! Lend me the use of your Imagination, and I will teach you self-hypnosis for releasing stress and tension at any time.

How would that feel right now?

Call me for a free consultation: (732) 272-7230

Hypnotist Of The Year!

My Friends,

I am so pleased and my ego is swelled with the idea that I have been named Hypnotist of the Year by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. I tell you, there are worlds of emotion swirling around inside me right now.

I received the award on May 18, 2013, at the annual conference in Daytona Beach, and it was a total surprise. Each of the award honorees are awarded without advance notice, and I was caught speechless (one of the very few times in my Life, I assure you). It is so ironic that one day earlier I taught an 8-hour workshop on Advanced Presentation Skills!

I’m actually a little embarrassed by the distinction. Surely there is a great hypnotherapist out there who is working on a cure for cancer while putting children through college and caring for elderly parents, and that one deserves this distinction more than I.

On the other hand, I’ve worked my ass off to gain mastery in a few areas of Hypnotism, and I feel powerful about what I know. I’ve set aside everything else in my Life, several times, in order to figure out what I need to know and gather the tools I need, and to learn everything about those tools and how I might use them in any circumstance. I’m happy that I learned all of what I know for my own reasons–and not just to win an award.

Driving to my office this morning, I had a particularly important realization: The true value of this award is for my clients. If they have a stronger belief in me because of an award, their success will be easier and greater, and that’s why I do this work. This award is for them.

And so, as I steady myself with whatever humility and healthful perspectives and platitudes that I can muster, I also need large doses of humor to help me cope. Here’s a bit I wrote a couple hours ago on Facebook, and I hope it gives you some smiles and laughter…


Man oh man, what a terrible trip I had on the way home from Daytona Beach. Everywhere I went, people were staring at me and pointing and aiming their cell phones, trying to get a shot of the HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR.

I am so happy to achieve this recognition from my peers, and I am grateful. It’s just that I wasn’t prepared for this level of fame and notoriety. At first, I was signing autographs everywhere I went, and it is great to get the best table in every restaurant and I haven’t paid for a thing since I became the HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR. By the time I got to the airport I started to get really irritated and a little paranoid. I was dressed down, baseball cap pulled down over my shades, but apparently, the HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR doesn’t blend in.

One guy in a suit spotted me at the security checkpoint and I did everything I could do to get ahead of him, just about running to the gate to catch my flight. He stayed with me all the way, and when he started motioning to the airport police, I slowed down and gave in—no autograph should cause so much trouble. I finally stopped as airport security, Florida State Police, and the guy in the suit and about three dozen passers-by all closed in on me with ball-point pens and smart phones. The guy in the suit reached into his coat pocket and pulled out something, and as I braced myself to sign one more autograph I sputtered, “YES! YES! I AM THE HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR!! MUST YOU KEEP ON HOUNDING ME LIKE THIS??” He looked right at me, handed me the object and said, “You left your cell phone back at the checkpoint.”

Hypnotist Of The Year

My Friends,

I am entirely pleased and somewhat screwed up to announce to all of you that I have received a new distinction from the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, and from the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. I am this year’s Hypnotist Of The Year. This was conferred upon me on May 18 at the annual conference, along with 7 other honorees in other categories, and it was a total surprise. All awards are given without advance notice.

It had been a rip-roaring busy few weeks, and I made sure to schedule two days off before the conference began. I did get some good relaxation and fun in the sun, playing in the waves at the beach, dipping in the pool, enjoying the hotel amenities, and eating good food and taking good care of myself. I even got a manicure. Even so, my mind was preoccupied with the two classes I was to teach, and a few conference responsibilities that I had accepted.

Every year at the banquet, I watch and listen as highly respected hypnotists receive honors and say a few words, and I am always impressed. I always wonder what it might be like, and I always take in stride that I am paying dues every year, every day, every session with every client. Every year it is a pleasant daydream to imagine myself on that stage, smiling, accepting and receiving, and saying a few dignified words.

As the awards part of the evening continued, I was still busy with a few details, and also a bit distracted by my lovely dinner date, and so I was completely disoriented as I heard our host, Robert Otto, describing me as he was about to announce the Hypnotist Of The Year. I simply didn’t know what to say as I rose to accept the award.

I admit that part of me is embarrassed to announce to all of you that I have this distinction. I know that there are fabulous hypnotists in this and other organizations who have been practicing decades longer.

On the other hand, I’ve been working my ass off to gain mastery, and I am happy that I know what I know. Several times, I have put everything else in my Life aside in order to learn new techniques and principles and ways of helping my clients to succeed. I have gone off on learning tangents for weeks at a time and I’ve attended more seminars and workshops than I can count. I’ve given away a hundred sessions for free, just so I could keep working and learning and accumulating clinical hours. I am very proud to say that I have never turned down a client in need. They must pay something and I don’t work for free anymore, but if they need me, we work out a deal.

So there I was on the stage, accepting the award, stammering my Thank You or something close to it, while holding the beautiful plaque that I had dreamed of holding one day. The irony of my ineptitude of the moment is that I had spent the previous day teaching an 8-hour class on Advanced Presentation Skills. Homina homina homina.

This morning on the drive to my office, after a full week away, I could feel a difference in my attitude and personal and professional resolve. I know what the true value is of this award: It’s for my clients. If this award causes my clients to believe that I am more competent, more effective, and more intelligent because of a plaque that hangs on the wall in my office, then their success will be greater and more powerful. Simple as that. This award is for them. That’s why I do this work, and I am very happy that I learned what I know for their sake, and not to win an award.

And so, as I resume my business of Helping People, I do so with the intention of remaining balanced and grounded, thinking clearly, and maintaining perspective, and I will be using Humor along with everything else. Humor gets me through a lot of things! Here, then, is a piece I wrote on Facebook about an hour ago. Enjoy!

Man oh man, what a terrible trip I had on the way home from Daytona Beach. Everywhere I went, people were staring at me and pointing and aiming their cell phones, trying to get a shot of the HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR. I am so happy to achieve this recognition from my peers, and I am grateful. It’s just that I wasn’t prepared for this level of fame and notoriety.

At first, I was signing autographs everywhere I went, and it is great to get the best table in every restaurant and I haven’t paid for a thing since I became known as the HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR. By the time I got to the airport I started to get really irritated and a little paranoid. I was dressed down, baseball cap pulled down over my shades, but apparently, the HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR doesn’t blend in.

One guy in a suit spotted me at the security checkpoint and I did everything I could do to get ahead of him, just about running to the gate to catch my flight. He stayed with me all the way, and when he started motioning to the airport police, I slowed down and gave in—no autograph should cause so much trouble.

I finally stopped as airport security, Florida State Police, and the guy in the suit and about three dozen passers-by all closed in on me with ball-point pens and smart phones. The guy in the suit reached into his coat pocket and pulled out something, and as I braced myself to sign one more autograph I sputtered, “YES! YES! I AM THE HYPNOTIST OF THE YEAR!! MUST YOU KEEP ON HOUNDING ME LIKE THIS??” He looked right at me, handed me the object and said, “You left your cell phone back at the checkpoint.”

Click here to see the Photo Album.

Click here for James M. Giunta on Facebook.

Click here for Trance Formation Hypnosis on Facebook.

Live Through This

With surprising frequency, I get calls from people who ask me if I can hypnotize them to forget a person or a tragic event. These are people who are hurting, heartbroken, or depressed. They call me after the crisis is over, but their lingering feelings are making their daily lives extremely difficult.

My answer is almost always the same: I don’t think it’s possible to use hypnosis to make you forget anything for the long term, and I would not attempt to do so in any case. Your experiences are what shape you, and they help you to form opinions, moral beliefs, and strategies for future survival. Your best bet is to embrace your experience and let it drive you forward into a better life and stronger way of being. You are entitled to every difficulty and hardship, and you deserve to become stronger as a result.

Yes, I know what heartbreak and grief feel like. I’ve had my share. I know all about regret and self-loathing and low self-esteem. I’ve lived through them and come out the other side in a positive way—otherwise, I wouldn’t deserve the right to help any client. My experiences have shaped me and increased my ability to feel compassion, tolerance, patience, and empathy.

I love the old saying that “Life is the hardest teacher: it gives you the test first, then the lesson.” We all need the lessons, and the more lessons we learn, the wiser we become.

Take my advice. Live through this. Whatever you are going through, it will pass. Things could be worse, and a lot of people in this world are worse off. I know, because I hear their stories every day.

Be grateful for your journey—it belongs to you. The strength and other positive attributes that you are building today will become extremely valuable to you tomorrow, and you will be better able to inspire the people around you. You are now becoming stronger for your own good, and for the greater good of your family and community.

And if you need help, get help. Give me a call if you want to talk. I never get tired of talking and listening, and I can hynotize you to ease stress, tension, grief, and depression, and you will feel lighter and more resilient, and your self-confidence will be supported and increased.

(732) 272-7230

Talking About Hypnosis Is Like Singing a Symphony A Capella

Hypnosis is a very personal experience, and my clients all describe it differently. Hypnotists all explain it differently, too—I’ve listened to at least 200 descriptions, and I have described it publicly and in writing at least as many times. Here’s the thing: We could all be wrong.

Hypnosis can be explained and described, but our words have little to do with what actually happens in a trance. A trance experience has nothing to do with words. It’s deeper and much more complicated than what anyone can say about it.

Language is very slow and clunky compared with thinking, hypnotic trance, dreams and dreaming, creativity, and finding patterns and associations. First we think and feel, and then we translate all of that into words so that we can relate those experiences to the people around us. The mind is way quicker and more agile than translating any of that into language.

Here’s another example: As you are reading this, you are not consciously aware that you are looking at squiggly shapes. You are instantly translating the shapes into letters, then words and sentences, and the meaning becomes clear to you. Depending on the skill of the writer and your skill as a reader, you interpret meaning instantly, and you don’t wonder at all at the amazing process that is occurring right now in your brain and consciousness. What you are doing right now is an essential part of the early stages of hypnosis. You are taking in information, processing it in a particular way, and opening your mind to additional ideas based on interpretation.

Hypnosis can’t be described with total accuracy because each person’s description depends on how they interpret it, their physiology, and of course their life experiences and orientation. Add to this the fact that we tend to learn in terms of what we already know, and that limits what we learn and how much.

I know how to hypnotize and I spend a lot of time doing it, practicing, teaching and learning, reading, going to conferences, discussing—and I am aware that I could be entirely wrong about some of it or all of it. I have helped many clients, for sure, and I will continue to pursue it every day, and I could be wrong about the basis of what I do and why it works.

There are a great many things that we know about the universe that we can’t explain. Some are great, some are microscopic. We know about them, we learn their characteristics and what to expect under certain conditions, and we try to put all of those experiences into words. Words limit our descriptions because they lack the kind of depth that limitless capacity can express. Using words to describe hypnosis is like trying to represent the Grand Canyon using a box of crayons. Even the most talented artist would agree that the rendering is merely a very thin interpretation of natural grandeur.

I respect your intelligence and your ability to communicate. I respect your life experiences and your knowledge and your wisdom. I also respect the limitless nature of thinking and the power of hypnosis—which has not been fully explored in terms of what is commonly known. Hypnotism is an Art, a Science, and a Philosophy that contains more than can be described in words. Yet, we do what we can to learn and teach it to each other, and bring this mystical power to all of those who wish to use it for the greater good.

See you at the next conference? I hope so!

Hypnosis and Passion: Perfect Together!

Here’s how Hypnosis works with Passion:

Every thought is connected to an emotion AND a physical response in the body. The physical response might be a sensation or a behavior such as a habit, nervous tic, or activity. It might also be a response in part of the body where there is no obvious sensory activity, such as an internal organ, and the response can be in several places at once. This is always true, even if the experience is fleeting. You can’t have one without the other two.

Passion is an intense emotion, easily associated with physical responses and pleasurable thoughts. Think about your passion for a moment or two, and you will naturally feel pleasure in your body and you might even smile. It’s easy to conjure the feelings if you just imagine or pretend. Try it right now. I’ll wait.

Hypnosis is a way to explore and intensify your passion, cutting through mind barriers and limiting thoughts, much like a beautiful daydream or fantasy. The reason to intensify your passion is to learn how to live with more passion, creating more happiness and more success. Passion causes success because you begin to behave and react to the world around you in a more positively responsive way, and you see things differently. You begin to recognize more possibilities for laughter, friendship, working relationships, Love, creativity, finding solutions, enjoyment, happiness, and contentment.

Hypnosis is incredibly great for heightening passion because you will engage your imagination, intention, and creativity at once, in a natural and powerful way.
If you have ever experienced Hypnosis with a qualified professional, all of this is obvious, and it became obvious to you in one of your early sessions.

If you have never experienced Hypnosis and would like to feel it for yourself, click this link and register for this group experience: https://www.facebook.com/events/251954421611701/

Excellence and Perfection

Excellence is not the same as perfection—there is a distinction.

Perfection is flawlessness. It is the absence of mistakes or anything that can go wrong. Is perfection attainable? According to many religions, no. According to me, yes—sometimes. It is possible to bowl a perfect game (score: 300) or pitch a perfect ballgame. Of course, I am using examples of human inventions, and it can be argued that humans are not qualified to judge perfection or even set a standard for it. Even so, there are times in your life that someone will judge your performance as flawless, even if those times are extremely rare. For the purpose of my argument in this blog, perfection is rarely possible, if ever.

Excellence, on the other hand, is always possible. Excellence is doing the very best you can, using what you have to work with, on any given day under any circumstances. Excellence varies greatly, depending on many factors that you can’t control. Excellence is brilliance, superiority, and high quality. Excellence is when you bring it.

Sometimes adverse conditions will cause your excellence to be even greater. Having an immediate challenge might cause you to react with an indomitable attitude. If you are working with a limited or low budget, or if you have little time, great! You are now forced to use every ounce of your creativity and go for it! No guts, no glory. Define your situation, ask the right questions, and watch your path unfold as you take courageous action.

Of course, excellence is better and easier with preparation. Preparation might include education, experience, teamwork, benefits of mentoring or coaching, wealth, a big budget, and a long timeline. These things can help, but they are not essential and they do not necessarily cause a sure winner. The best preparation for excellence is the continual and consistent practice of excellence, every day, without compromise, without deviation from your highest standard. Let go of thinking about your limitations, and start thinking about your unlimited creativity.

(There are a few other points that go along with this, and I’ll be writing about them in future articles. We need to be committed without being attached. We need to know that contentment exists separately from happiness, and they are not the same.)

Hypnosis can help with all of this. Find a qualified hypnotist and talk about all the ways that you want to be excellent. Use Hypnosis to train your inner mind toward excellence. Remember, excellence is not perfection. Your results and success might be gradual, or they might be sudden and immediate. Your subconscious mind loves to learn and imagine and play, and hypnosis is a way to re-train in a short amount of time.

Do you desire a great relationship with a special partner? More business success? Better communication with everyone and anyone? Do you want to be persuasive and influential? Here’s how to get all of that: Be excellent in every situation, adhere to your high standards, and be consistent without compromise.

Is Excellence possible without Perfection? You better believe it! Excellence is possible under any condition, any day, using any tools. Excellence happens because you refuse to lower your standard. You are going to cause a miracle because you believe in yourself and you continue to test your limits. You insist that everything you do is tinged with excellence and wrought with extreme attitude. You are going to Bring It every time and you accept nothing less because the people who love you deserve to be inspired by the best you can do. All of your relationships become better and stronger because you practice excellence in every area of your life.

My message to you, today, is that if you practice excellence every day, you will become fit for any challenge, because your mind and your attitude will be calibrated to handle anything that comes along—and believe me, it will come along.